The End of the Beginning
The business of this 76th General Convention has concluded...we now take on a new responsibility, sharing our experiences with our families, friends, diocese, parishes, other Episcopalians, people of the Christian faith, other faith traditions, and those who have not yet acknowledged their relationship to God.
During the closing moments of the final session we learned that in our time in Anaheim, we considered and acted upon more resolutions than any prior convention. We did it without any evening sessions. And we adjourned a full hour early.
This 1st time deputy offers thanks to all who prayed for us and who followed our journeys--individual and collective--via this blog. Over these many days I felt the Holy Spirit challenging and changing us as a loving and hopeful community of Christians. I also saw how resolutely we affirm and uphold our Episcopal tradition and polity.
Please check this space in coming days, for any post-Convention reflections.